The Motherhood journey

Trying to fall pregnant, pregnancy, mothering. How transforming to Clean beauty can make this easier.


Pregnancy is different for everyone, some bask in the 'pregnancy' glow whilst others struggle through with sickness, body changes and skin issues. When you are pregnant your blood flow increases and the hormones surge, which can cause changes to the skin. Acne, stretch marks, spider veins, chapped lips and inflammation are the more common skin conditions to occur when pregnant.  


Once the Baby arrives the game changes again. Sleep deprivation sets in and all that amazing blood flow disappears resulting in dry, patchy skin. As a Mother it was so important for Emily to produce products that would assist your skin through these developments and to create skincare that is safe during pregnancy and does not contain chemicals and fillers.


The Rohr Remedy Boab & Rosehip Oil is the ultimate pregnancy and post-natal beauty essential. Packed full of antioxidants, it is perfect for during pregnancy to help prevent and improve the appearance of stretch marks and spider veins. The oil contains anti-inflammatory properties and is great for post-natal care on c-section scars. You can also use it on your face to provide a lift for when you are feeling sleep deprived or run down.


When you are pregnant there is an increased blood flow through the nasal passages, causing many women to breathe through their mouth, which often leads to very dry lips. The Gumbi Gumbi Lip Balm contains strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and will heal dry, cracked lips, leaving them soft, nourished and hydrated. HOT TIP: Is great to use under the baby’s nose if they are clogged up or suffering from a head cold as will help to clear the sinuses.


Sister of Rohr Remedy founder Olivia Watson Talks about her journey to clean beauty.

My clean beauty journey all started with my inability to fall pregnant. Daily hormone injections, IVF, miscarriage, failed frozen embryo transfers and hormones in overdrive wreaked havoc on my skin. Inflammation, chronic psoriasis, permanent peri oral dermatitis and of course pimples, meant I needed to take a more holistic approach to what I was using on my skin, especially if I was eventually going to fall pregnant.

A life-changing trip to Broome saw me meet with one of the amazing Yulparitja women, Jan Billycan, who took one look at me and said I needed Desert lime for my skin. After speaking to Emily, she decided to take the desert lime and mixed it with our dad’s natural based eczema formula and I started applying it to my skin. The results were amazing and I could not live without it. 

From that day forward I switched to Clean Beauty and have never looked back. It was such an easy change to make as having suffered with skin sensitivities most of my life, I realised that without chemicals my skin was actually better than ever. I finally fell pregnant with twin girls and soon after fell pregnant naturally with a boy.