Give Your Partner (Or Yourself) the Best At-Home Massage Ever

If you are lucky enough to be celebrating Valentine's Day with a special someone this year, consider surprising them with a massage to pamper them or spice things up without ever leaving the house!

If you are flying solo, treat yourself today with some self-love by gently massaging your face and feet to relax. 

1. Put on your favourite calming album or playlist.

2. Start with a very simple head massage to encourage relaxation.

3. Add a few drops of Boab + Rosehip Face & Body Oil with Vit E on their back, then place your hands flat on each side of your partner's spine and slowly move upward until you reach their shoulders. Use your thumbs to massage their shoulder blades in a circular motion all the way down to the bottom. You will instantly see the tension dissipate.

4. Finally, finish with the feet. A small amount of reflexology can do wonders for the mood. We recommend slightly warming the Boab + Rosehip Face & Body Oil with Vit E, adding a few drops to your hands and gently massaging the feet. Apply light pressure to balls of the feet, hold for 10 seconds and then release.